Fascinating results from Re-char in Kenya...
Based on our findings, we conclude that the most effective staple-crop fertilization strategy for smallholders is to combine biochar with dilute human urine solution. With over 1,000 farmers in Western Kenya now using our technology, we find these test results are consistent with user reports.
Urine is readily available, and free to collect. While biochar must be applied at high concentrations (6,000 kg/acre) to see the greatest impacts, it can be added progressively over time, to sustainably increase yields. With each seasonal application, farmers will see an improvement in their yield. By eliminating chemical fertilizer consumption, a farmer can save up to $200/year."
Vanuatans in Wonderland
"*For a vanishing people, it is sue or swim.*"
*What goes around comes around. *Thirty-five years ago, I wrote this
passage in my book, *Climate in Crisi...
3 days ago
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