Please note the following further announcement from Biomass-SP conference plans...
"Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the EU-Malaysia Biomass Sustainable Production
Initiative (Biomass-SP), we are pleased to announce the Biomass Asia
Conference 2013 on 20-22 May 2013 at Sunway Putra Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Building on the success of the inaugural EU-Asia Biomass
Best Practices & Business Partnering Conference held in 2012, with
over 600 participants from 29 countries and more than 80 speakers
(Read all about it HERE),
this dynamic event will unite industry professionals from all sectors of
biomass value chain – bioenergy, bio-based products, agriculture, and
high value chemicals – with special focus on Asia and Europe.
This year, Biomass-SP will jointly organize the Biomass
Conference Asia 2013 with the Malaysia Biomass Industries Confederation
(MBIC), the national biomass association representing biomass industry
players in Malaysia. It is truly a one-stop networking opportunity for
biomass professionals including current and future producers of bioenergy
and bio-based products with biomass traders, technology providers, equipment
manufacturers, investors, researchers and policy-makers.
We are pleased to extend you the invitation to submit your speaking interest at the 2013 Conference.
In addition to our annual focus on biomass as energy, bio-chemicals,
bio-based products and agriculture, the Conference this year will also
highlight new and emerging areas, among others:
· Updates on financing & government initiatives for biomass commercialisation
· Solid waste as potential biomass feedstock
· Commercialisation of biochar
· Managing risks and supply chain in biomass projects
All sessions will be conducted in English; and each session will run in 30-45 minutes.
Speakers will be entitled to enjoy privileged fees to attend the
Conference and its associated events. If you are interested in
speaking at this Conference, please indicate your interest to
participate by submitted the attached Speaker Interest Form via e-mail ( no later than 8 March 2013.
We look forward to your participation!
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Conference Secretariat
Biomass Asia Conference 2013
20 Jalan Diplomatik, Presint Diplomatik
62050 Putrajaya
T: 03-8884 8922
F: 03-8884 8838"
Brochure & Speaker Interest Form can be found here...
A Vory Happy Man
"*...or just a pawn in the game?*"
*In previous posts,* I have introduced you to a more humorous way of
looking at the drama now unfolding in Washington...
3 days ago