potential role of biochar as a means of sequestering atmospheric carbon
has so far been the main focus of attention. However, its virtues are
much wider with potential impacts on soil fertility, plant yield and
quality and as an additive in livestock feed, biodigesters and other
liquid waste disposal systems. More important is the emphasis that
biochar has given to the overall concept of the systems approach to
utilization of renewable resources and recycling of wastes with
maintenance or improvement in soil fertility. Biochar makes most sense
when it is derived from a process that aims to optimize the varied
characteristics of biomass, to satisfy the major needs of humanity which
are food, energy, shelter and a healthy environment. It needs to be
produced and used locally for maximum benefits.”
A Vory Happy Man
"*...or just a pawn in the game?*"
*In previous posts,* I have introduced you to a more humorous way of
looking at the drama now unfolding in Washington...
3 days ago