A new biochar related group has been initiated...
"Biochar Funding": This is the home for discussion devoted to funding opportunities for biochar-related work, at all scales, and anywhere on the planet.
It also intends to serve as a place where you can advertise your current, past and future biochar projects where (a) other biochar practitioners can learn more about your work and/or contact you for collaboration, and (b) donors can learn about what work really is being done in the biochar world, together with success stories and lessons learned.
The idea is to have a place on the internet where practitioners and donors can openly discuss each others' requirements and limitations... hopefully leading towards successful funding opportunities :)
A Vory Happy Man
"*...or just a pawn in the game?*"
*In previous posts,* I have introduced you to a more humorous way of
looking at the drama now unfolding in Washington...
3 days ago