SOILS 2013 (Malaysian Society of Soil Science)
Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) For Soil Health Sustainability
Session 3: Biochar and Biofertilizers
16 – 18 April, 2013
Bukit Gambang Resort City, 26300 Gambang, Pahang
Call for voluntary oral and poster papers
Scientific papers are in the form of oral and poster presentations. Participants who are wishing to present a paper should send an extended abstract together with the registration form. Proceedings will be prepared for the papers. Extended abstract with maximum 5 pages, which include title, author’s name and affiliation, introduction, methodology, results and discussion (including Tables and Figures), conclusion, acknowledgement (if any) and references. Text should be typed using MS Word; size of 12 with Times New Roman and single line spacing on A4 sized paper.
Due date for submission of extended abstract : 10 February 2013
You can access a copy of the announcement & registration form from the following link:
A Vory Happy Man
"*...or just a pawn in the game?*"
*In previous posts,* I have introduced you to a more humorous way of
looking at the drama now unfolding in Washington...
3 days ago