
Tuesday, 29 December 2009

New biochar study collaboration in Cambodia

MaD - Making a Difference for Good!: MaD Organic Farm is an Edinburgh University Biochar Experimental Farm!

I wonder if small stove technology is appropriate in the Cambodian rural setting? I've been advised that fossil fuel distribution for cooking is not entrenched and that there is a charcoal industry for cooking.

Would the introduction of biochar producing stoves, such as those promoted by Worldstove, be a catalyst for change? If freely available waste biomass could replace charcoal as the fuel of choice, and at the same time biochar is identified as improving crop yields & reducing local fertilizer costs / inputs, then a virtuous circle can develop.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Biochar Malaysia Workshop 14 December 2009

University Putra Malaysia organised a one-day biochar workshop on 14 December 2009. Dr Johannes Lehmann was the keynote speaker.

Dr Lehmann also helped facilitate the afternoon workshop activities. Attendees broke into 6 groups to discuss specific biochar issues in relation to the local settings. The ideas and issues summarized from the group presentations are to be distilled and disseminated by the organisers. We now await the results which will hopefully include proposals for the formation of an Malaysian biochar interest group and the coordinated development of biochar research in Malaysia.