
Monday, 19 January 2015

UTAR Agricluture Science Journal: Biochar - reversing the flow of carbon

HERE is a link to an article on biochar that I've had published in the inaugural issue of the above journal (click on image above for link to the journal).

This is a general introduction to biochar with a focus on history, applications, climate change and carbon sequestration. I hope to say more about biochar production and industry development in SEA in a followup article.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Campfire Lessons: Breaking Down the Combustion Process to Understand Biochar Production

This new article from The Biochar Journal is another great introduction to biochar production and application...

By Mark R. Fuchs, M. Garcia-Perez, P. Small and G. Flora

“Campfires were the first step in the evolution of slow pyrolysis reactors. Observing the play of the flames while sitting around a campfire is still one of the best possible lessons to understand the main principles of pyrolysis. Mark Fuchs and colleagues bring the different natural phenomenon of the fire into context of modern pyrolysis.” …

Reviewer comment

Catherine Brewer:
One of the frequent challenges experienced by members of the biochar community is figuring out how to explain biochar and biomass thermochemical processes to friends and family members. The authors’ use of the campfire illustration is so helpful because it is familiar to a wide audience and scientifically accurate at the same time. After hearing this illustration the first time myself, I remember thinking, “I will never again see just a campfire.”

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Albert Bates' Year in Review 2014

Albert Bates has done a great job here summarizing 2014 from a climate perspective. Very depressing but hope starts at 24mins.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Estero clean-up project in UP community - Philippines

I assume estero is estuary but I've not had luck finding a translation...

"The estero running through Block 5 in Daang Tubo (a community inside the UP Campus) is on its way to being clean.
GMA Network and its partners, the Philippine Mine Safety and Environment Association, the Philippine Biochar Association and the Sagip Ilog Pilipinas, collaborated on the Clean River Zone Biochar Community initiative.
The Kapuso Network and its partners signed a Memorandum of Agreement in early 2014 to clean up the said estero using bokashi balls (bokashi balls are made from dried mud and other organic materials, including biochar, and are used to clean bodies of water that have high concentrations of sludge and slime)." ...