
Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Kelpie's new Jro design for light weight biomass

"It uses two barrels, but I find it much easier to handle than a tall, wiggly stack. And it holds in heat better. The stack tends to send your heat shooting out the top. With this plenum burner design, you don't have to worry so much about controlling primary air because the draft is slower. The slits are kind of cute, but I don't think they are giving me the swirl I was after, so any shape of hole would probably work as well."


Cam said...

Nicely done. I like the handle - might add one to mine. Must admit I like shooting flames!

Unknown said...

This is an ingenious extension of the JRo idea, especially in order to be able to makage a large volume of low density feedstock. Unfortunately, its use is likely to remain limited to the developed world unless it can be modified in one important way. Barrels are very valuable in the developing world. In fact, they constitute 90% of the cost of a standard JRo when made from scrap. Unless the upward extension provides a major cost:benefit improvement in a world of very low labor costs, it is hard to figure how to convince farmers and other poor people to consider this design.